Page:Medicina de quadrupedibus.djvu/71

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the teeth of children may grow without sore, a hare’s brain boiled; rub frequently the gums therewith: they will be clean and unsore. Against pain of womb take a hare’s heels, bear that on thy frock: it cures wonderfully. Against sore of eyes a hare’s liver boiled is good to drink in wine, and [it is good too] to bathe the eyes with the broth. Against blood-running, a hare’s liver burnt, and rubbed, and spread on; it quickly stills [it].

Against blood running from the nose, a mountain-buck, that is a wood-buck or goat, a liver of this, broken up with vinegar and thrust into the nostril: wonderfully quickly it stills the blood-running. For brightness of eyes the gall of a wild buck mingled with field-bees’ honey and smeared on: the brightness comes to them. The same has power against sore of jaws: mingle the gall and honey together, touch the jaws therewith–it cures. Against dimness of eyes mingle together a wood-goat’s gall and a little wine; smear therewith three times; then they will be cured. Against a spotted face, a wood-buck’s gall, or a goat’s, mingled with water, and smeared on; it cures quickly. Against pimples which grow upon the face, smear with a goat’s gall; it will cleanse all the pimples off the face and diminish all the unsightliness. Against sore of ears and sounding [in them], a wood-goat’s gall mingled with new oil or with apples’ juice and lukewarm and put into the ears: it cures [them]. Against toothache mingle a wood-goat’s gall with oil, smear very frequently with that; then they (the teeth) shall be whole. Against sore or wound of the orchis bag, mingle a mountain-goat’s gall with honey,