Page:Medicina de quadrupedibus.djvu/83

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ærfoþ cf. earfoð.

æsce, axe f. ash ds. sca 107; apl. axan 84 813 227.

Æsculapius Lt. prop. Æsculapius abl. s. Æscolupio 27.

æt prep. wd. at 413 414.

ætforan adv. beforehand 162.

æthrïnan 1 touch wd. inf. 215.

æthwega adv. somewhat æthweȝa 625.

ætïe(i)wan w. 1 appear wd. pres. 3d. pl. ætiwdan 2019.

äfie(i, y)rran w. 1 remove 3d. s. afirreð 1816, afyrred 816.

äflïe(y)ȝennys f. removal ds. | (a) flyȝennysse 226.

āhębban 6 lift imp. 2d. s. ahefe 66.

āhōn rd. hang opt. 3d. s. aho 620; pp. ahangen 1017.

āhweorfan 3 drive away 3d. s. awyrfþ 812.

(āhyldan) w. 1 turn away 3d. s. ahyldeþ 41.

ālęcgan w. 1 lay pp. aled 1811.

ālīesan w. 1 liberate pp. alisede 415, alysed 1619.

an prep. wd. on 419; wa. on 101.

ān num. one nf. ane 617 1224; am. ane 85.

and conj. and written ⁊ 28 211 etc.

androȝines lat. hermaphrodite as. androȝinem 1224.

anwli(a)ta m. face as. anwlitan 615; ds. anwlitan 818 1420 etc., ⁊ wlatan 1418.

apuldure (f.?) apple-tree gs. 201.

ārīsan 1 arise 3d. pl. arisaþ 185; imp. 2d. s. aris 67.

āstyrian w. 1 drive away pp. astyred 416.

[attorcoppe f. spider gs. attorcoppan 1217.]

āwęccan w. 1 raise ger. aweccenne 821; 3d. s. awecceð 822.

aweȝ adv. away areȝ 416, aȝe 1010.

āweorpan 3 throw 3d. s. awirph 1625.

āwiht ind. pron. aught ns. awyt 217.


bān n. bone as. 2217.

bærnan w. 1 burn imp. 2d. s. bærn 2210; pp. ȝebærned 816 146, ȝebærnedne 818, ȝebærnede 814, ȝebarned 87, ȝebarnedne 227, ȝeberned 2222, ȝebernede 811.

bæþ n. bath as. baðe 49.

bār m. boar gs. bares 1823 etc., bæres 203 2014.

be prep. wd. concerning 29.

bearn n. child as. 2024.

bēatan rd. beat pp. ȝebeaten 89.

[becuman 4 come pret. 2d. s. ? become 27.]

bedelfan 3 bury imp. 2d. s. bedelf 412.

bedrūwian w. 2 dry up pp. bedruwod 819.

behēfe adj. suitable nms. 68.

behęlian w, 1 conceal imp. 2d. s. behele 414.

bēon anv. be inf. byon 624; 1st. s. eom 25; 2d. s. byst 223; 3d. s. byð 42 416 etc., byd 218 413 etc., is 29, ys 210 [417] etc., hys 1218; 3d. pl. beoð 46 415 etc., sinde 224 813; opt. 3d. s. beo 2010, sy 42, si 48 etc; 3d. pl. sin 202, sy 1610.

ȝe beorhtiȝan w. 1 become bright 3d. pl. ȝebeorhtiȝed 1214.

beorhtnes f. brightness ns. beornysse 1413 as. beorhnesse 1412.

beorðor n. fœtus ns. 127; childbirth ds. beorðre 1211.