" cleaved with him" in person; [1] sometimes bewailing my sins which were the cause of these sorrows, and sometimes animating myself to suffer somewhat in satisfaction of my offences, seeing Christ our Lord suffered so much to redeem them. [2] And, finally, I will beg pardon of Him for them, alleging to Him for a reason all His troubles and afflictions, saying to Him in amorous colloquy: —
Colloquy. — O my most sweet Redeemer, who descendedst from heaven and ascendedst this cross to redeem men, redeeming their sins with Thy sufferings, I present myself before Thy Majesty, grieved that my grievous sins have been the cause of Thy terrible pains. Upon me, O Lord, these chastisements had been justly employed, (for I am he that sinned,) and not upon Thee that never sinned. Let that love that moved Thee to put Thyself upon the cross for me move Thee to pardon me what I have committed against Thee. By Thy thorns I beseech Thee, draw out of my soul the thorns of my sins; by Thy scourging, pardon my thefts; by Thy gall and vinegar, pardon my evil works; and by the wounds of v Thy feet, pardon my evil steps. O Eternal Father, " look upon the face of Thy Son," [3] and seeing in Him Thou didst chastise my sins, let Thy wrath be appeased by these chastisements, and use towards me Thy mercies, " casting all" our " sins into the bottom of the sea," [4] in virtue of that blood that was shed for them. Amen.
(This point we shall dwell upon largely in the fourth part:)