that those which saw His humiliation may see its reward. And for this cause the place of judgment will be " the valley of Josaphat" [1] near Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives; that in the same place where He was judged, condemned, and crucified for our sins, they may all see Him with great honour to be the judge both of the living and of the dead, [2] and that He that ascended to heaven in the sight of a few disciples shall descend, as it was told by the angel, [3] in the sight of the whole world to judge them all.
2. For these reasons the remembrance of judgment may move me to joy, thankfulness and praise, glorifying God for His sovereign providence, with which He designed it for so high ends; and with David inviting all creatures to " rejoice," and clap their hands " for joy," for that the Lord "cometh to judge the earth." " He shall judge the world with justice, and the people with his truth " [4] righting wrongs without acceptance of persons.
Secondly are to be considered the signs preceding this general judgment, as Christ our Lord reckons them in His gospel, [5] pondering their number and terror; the things which they signify, the effects which they shall cause in men, the manner how they shall come to pass, and withal the reasons wherefore they come to pass.
1. First, I am to ponder their number; for "He will arm (as the Wise man says) the creation for the revenge of his enemies;" "and the whole world shall fight with him against the unwise." [6] And as all have been instruments of God's mercy, to do them great benefits, so then they will be instruments of God's justice to do them great