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that thou mayest not give food therewith to the fire of thy avarice. Amen.

ii. Secondly, I will consider that this fire, as says the Book of Wisdom, [1] shall be most cruel against the wicked and most gentle to the good that shall then be alive; for to these it shall serve as a purgatory to purify them from their sins and from its dregs, and to augment to them the merit and the crown that soon after they are to receive. But sinners it shall terribly torment as the beginning of hell that attends them to chastise their rebellion.

iii. Hence it is that this fire shall last in the world till the general judgment be concluded, Almighty God (as David says) dividing its " flame" [2] to enlighten without hurt the bodies of the elect, and to torment the bodies of the reprobate, [3] so that forthwith in rising they shall feel the horrible fire in which they are to remain, which (the sentence being given) like a furious river will overwhelm them and go down with them to hell. Then shall be fulfilled, both in good and bad, that saying of the prophet, " The day" of the Lord " shall come, kindled like a furnace; and all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall set them on fire, saith the Lord of Hosts: it shall not leave them root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name the Sun of justice shall arise, and health in his wings; and you shall go forth, and shall leap like calves of the herd. And you shall tread down the wicked when they shall be ashes under the sole of your feet." [4]

Colloquy. — O my soul, compare this "furnace" with this "Sun of justice;" these flames that blind with these splendours that give light; these " ashes" of torments with these " wings" of ease; this burning

  1. Sap. xvi. 22 et seq.
  2. Ps. xxviii.
  3. S. Basil ibid.
  4. Mal.iv. i.