collected out of the Gospel) shall come the banner [1] of the Son of Man, which is the royal standard of the holy cross, with an admirable splendour. The which being one and the same will be most pleasing and delightful to the just that in this life embraced and esteemed it, crucifying their flesh with its vices and concupiscences; but most horrible and dreadful to the wicked, who believed not in it, or abhorred it, being enemies of it, because they held " their belly" for their "god." [2] And therefore in seeing it they shall weep bitterly, for they shall see in it the just cause of their damnation.
Colloquy. — O my soul, follow the banner of the cross in this life, that thou mayest see it with peace and security in the other! Bewail the enmity thou hast had against it, that thou mayest then behold it with joy and alacrity! Amen.
3. Thirdly, I will consider how our Lord Christ, coming to the valley of Josaphat, will be seated in a most excellent throne, made of a most beauteous and bright-shining cloud, and His divine face being one and the same, will yet appear most amiable to the good and most terrible to the wicked, so that to behold Him only they will remain full of terror and confusion. And from the most sacred wounds of His feet, hands, and side, will issue out rays of light and delectable splendour to the good, who, by the corporal view of these wounds, will receive most singular comfort, considering how infinite the love was of this sovereign King, in virtue of them to vouchsafe to receive them. But from the same wounds will issue rays of wrath, and as it were of fire against the wicked, who (as the Scripture says) "shall" bitterly "be wail," [3] that they reaped so little profit of them. But much more shall the Jews and Gentiles weep, that with so great cruelty made and pierced those precious wounds.