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surrounded with variety." [1] Oh, how glorious then will that congregation of the just he there, like a queen that shall soon be placed in the kingdom of her spouse, rejoicing to behold herself set at the right hand of her beloved, adorned with virtues I In this life she was much humbled with contempts, and now she is seen in an instant exalted to great honours. Oh, happy he that seats himself in the lowest place of the world, for then Christ will say to him a Amice, ascende superius," " Friend, go up higher;" [2] ascend above the proud of the earth, and forthwith thou shalt ascend with me to the thrones of heaven.

Colloquy. — O my soul, choose in this life a low place among men, that at the day of judgment Christ may give thee a high place among the angels! Make no account of the right or left hand that thou hast in this world, but of that thou shalt have in the tribunal of Christ, endeavouring to live with such purity that thou mayest merit to be on His right hand! Amen.

3. Lastly, if I would know what hand I shall be on at the day of judgment, I must consider whether I be a " sheep" or a " goat;" that is, if I hear the voice of my pastor Christ; if I have meekness and humility; if I suffer with patience adversities and injuries; and if I distribute my goods liberally to others. Or contrariwise, if I be proud and vindictive; if I seek my temporal profit to the detriment of my neighbour, and to the loss of my spiritual good; and so making reflection upon this, I will endeavour to be "a sheep" of this sovereign Shepherd, confidently trusting that He will place me on His right hand with exceeding pleasure and profit.


On the manifestation of consciences. — The fourth point shall be to consider the manifestation that will be made at

  1. Ps. xliv. 10.
  2. Luc. xiv. 10.