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from the sweet voice of this comfortable sentence, with which Almighty God " will give" to "their hearing" complete joy and gladness, " and the bones that" were " humbled shall rejoice." [1] Happy the sheep that in this life " hear the voice" of their "Shepherd," and "follow" [2] His steps; for on this day, being placed on His right hand, they shall hear the voice that calls them to the eternal pastures.

Colloquy. — O sovereign Shepherd, aid me with Thy abundant grace, that I may be worthy to hear so favourable a sentence! Amen.


1. I must in the next place consider that towards the wicked the Judge will turn His angry countenance, and with a dreadful voice will say to them, " Depart from me, you cursed! into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me not to eat," &c. This sentence, like the former, we may consider word by word, because in them are declared all the kinds of pains that are in hell, of which we shall hereafter make a lengthened consideration.

i. Pain of loss or damnation. — " Depart from me" — The first word is, " Depart from me." In this He condemns them to that eternal pain which is called pain of loss or damnation, which is a perpetual banishment from heaven, and a privation of the sight of Almighty God for evermore. And the more to wound them, showing Himself so glorious to them, He says, " Depart from me who am your God, your first beginning and last end! 'Depart from me' who am your Redeemer, from me who made myself man for your sakes, and received these wounds for your remedy; from me who invited you with pardon, and you

  1. Ps.1.10.
  2. Joan. x. 3.