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those that tend most to endanger us; for with this so special care it will be the more easily vanquished, and this vanquished, we may take heart to get the victory over another, until we have vanquished them all, as the seven nations that were enemies to the Israelites were vanquished by little and little, and by degrees. [1] To this end our glorious father Ignatius taught us a form of making a particular examination of one vice, in which is included another very profitable form of prayer, divided into three times of the day, viz., morning, noon, and night, which are much celebrated in sacred Scripture by that which David says of himself: "Evening, and morning, and at noon, I will speak and declare my miseries; and He shall hear my voice. He shall redeem my soul from them." [2] And of Daniel the Scripture says: " He knelt down three times a-day, and adored, and gave thanks before his God," [3] making acknowledgment before Him of His divine praises and his own sins. According to this, we will divide this form of prayer into three points, which may serve for the three times aforesaid.


1. First, in the morning, in dressing myself, kneeling on my knees like Daniel, and putting myself in the presence of Almighty God, I will adore Him, giving Him thanks for my life, rest and sleep, which He has given me the night passed, and for the perils from which He has delivered me; and, by the way, I will likewise examine if, since I lay down, sleeping or waking, anything that might be a sin has happened to me, and with all my heart to be sorry for it.

2. Then I will make an offer to our Lord of all things whatsoever that I shall do that day, ordaining them purely to His honour and glory; begging of Him perseverance in

  1. Deut. vii. 22.
  2. Ps. liv. 18.
  3. Dan. vi. 10.