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formance of the promises that Christ our Saviour made to those that worthily receive Him in this sacrament, as may be gathered out of the sixth chapter of St. John, saying thus to Him, " I hope," O my Saviour, that if I " eat of" this " bread of life," I shall never "die," I " shall live for ever," I shall abide "in" Thee, and Thou "in" me, united Thou with me, and I with Thee. I hope that "as" Thou dost "live by the Father, so I" shall "live by" Thee; and by Thy means I shall obtain " everlasting life," and Thou wilt " raise" me " up in the last day." [1]

Colloquy. — O " Bread of life," I come to receive Thee, with great confidence that Thou wilt quicken my spirit, comfort my heart, cheer my soul, fortify my powers, make chaste my flesh, and change me into another man, for I shall not change Thee into me [2] unless Thou changest me into Thee. O most sweet Saviour, augment in me confidence, that I may be worthy to obtain Thy sovereign promise!

2. But hope must pass yet farther, hoping in the goodness and omnipotence of this our Lord, who is not tied to the sacrament, but may grant me all these benefits only for a lively desire in me to receive Him; and therefore, beholding this divine sacrament, I may exercise these acts of faith and confidence — sometimes, with the centurion, saying unto Him, " Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my" soul " shall be" saved. [3] And sometimes I will say to Him, If to behold "the brazen serpent" [4] sufficed to heal those that were wounded, it may likewise suffice me to behold Thee with a lively faith, and Thee to look upon me with Thy mercy, that Thou mayest deliver me from all misery. At other times, as the woman that had the issue of blood, I will say within myself, " If I" [5] touch but the " garment"

  1. Joan. vi. 35, 50, &c.
  2. S. Aug. vii. confes. c. 10.
  3. Matt. viii. 8.
  4. Num. xxi. 8.
  5. Luc. viii. 44.