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Page:Meditations For Every Day In The Year.djvu/110

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ing of your will, unless it be conformable to His own. Offer Him, besides, the "gold" of charity and love; the "frankincense" of prayer, and the " myrrh" of mortification. Offer Him the sacrifice of your predominant passion and ruling propensities. In fine, give Him as much as you can; for it will be returned with increase.


[ This Sunday's meditation must be inserted in its proper place which will vary every year .]

" I am the Lord thy God, who teach thee profitable things. Show, O Lord! Thy ways to me, and teach me Thy paths." (Is. xlviii. 17 and Ps. xxiv. 4.)

I. Christ was found in the midst of the doctors, " hearing them, and asking them questions." (Luke ii. 46.) Christ is your doctor or teacher, — not of profane erudition, but of spiritual knowledge and justice. Hence the prophet says of Him: "Ye, O children of Sion, rejoice and be joyful in the Lord your God, because He has given you a teacher of justice." (Joel ii. 23.) He Himself invites us by the mouth of royal David to listen to a lesson on the fear of God. "Come, hearken to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord." (Ps. xxxiii. 12.)

II. This science of justice as far excels every earthly science, as the eternal kingdom of God excels the transitory kingdoms of this world. Worldly knowledge cannot save us — it may increase our reprobation, if we abuse it — but the science of the Saints alone can make us happy. Learn, hence, to appreciate the benefit of possessing this