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God. God is appeased with victims and sacrifice, as the chief acts of religious worship; but He assures us Himself that obedience is still more acceptable to Him. " Obedience is better than sacrifice, and to hearken rather than to offer the fat of rams." (1 Kings xv. 22.) And with good reason, observes St. Gregory; for "in sacrifice the flesh of another is offered, but in obedience our own will is killed and the whole man offered in sacrifice."

II. There is no safer way to heaven than the road of obedience. Saints and holy Fathers teach us that there is nothing more dangerous in a spiritual life than to be our own guide and to follow our own judgment. Hence St. Bernard observes: "He that is his own master has a fool for his scholar;" for, as Solomon writes, " The way of a fool is right in his own eyes; but he who is wise hearkeneth unto counsels." (Prov. xii. 15.)

III. In the virtue of obedience all other virtues are included, and therefore by holy Fathers it is called the mother and guardian of them all. He who is obedient cannot fail to be humble, patient, meek, charitable, and master of himself; for, as the Wise Man says, " An obedient man shall speak of victory." (Prov. xxi. 28.) Form a growing esteem, then, for this virtue, and exercise it in imitation of Christ whenever occasions offer.


Christ the Good Seed of Your Soul.

"Behold, I sow my love in you, and it shall bring forth fruit in you."

I. " The kingdom of heaven is likened to a man who sowed good seed in his field." (Matt. xiii. 24.) This