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Page:Meditations For Every Day In The Year.djvu/223

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II. " And they that passed by blasphemed Him." (Matt, xxvii. 39.) The priests, the citizens, and the soldiers united in insulting Him. They accused Him of a want of power. " He saved others," they vociferate, " Himself He cannot save." They condemned Him of arrogance for assuming the title of king. " If He be the king of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross." They said He affected to be the Son of God, and vainly relied on His assumed title: "He trusted in God; let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him." Lastly, they accused Him of pride: "Vah, Thou who destroyest the temple of God, and in three days buildest it up again." During all this insolence Christ preserves the most profound silence. Truly " He was filled with reproaches!" (Lament, iii. 30.)

III. Christ did not come down from His cross, or shorten the duration of His pains, although He might have easily done so, but continues to suffer to His last breath without admitting any comfort, in order to teach you to persevere in good " to the end." Never forget that He suffered all this for your sins. " He was wounded for our iniquities, He was bruised for our sins." (Is. liii. 5.) Beware, therefore, lest by returning to sin " you crucify again," as St. Paul observes, " the Son of God," to your everlasting destruction. (Heb. vi. 6.)


First Word on the Cross, "Father, forgive them," etc.

I. Christ was sent into the world by His heavenly Father to teach us the way of salvation. " This is My beloved Son; hear Him." (Luke ix. 35.) It is our duty.