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firmities; how frequently you prefer time to eternity; how sluggish you are in things that relate to the service of God; how fearful you are in the least difficulty; how rash in your determinations; how ignorant of spiritual things; and how indevout; and lastly, and how little you have the fear of God before your eyes. Beseech the Divine Spirit to arm you with this shield of seven-fold strength, and say with the Church, " Come, O Divine Spirit, and send forth the rays of your light."


Gifts of the Holy Ghost —II.

I. We are not only provided with means of overcoming our infirmities by the gifts of the Holy Ghost, but these same gifts provide us with the% power of performing all good actions. " Wisdom" helps us to understand the perfections of God, and contemplate them with feeling affection. " Understanding" enables us to penetrate the mysteries of faith, and ponder the secrets that are concealed in them. " Knowledge" gives us the power of contemplating with profit all created things, inasmuch as they come from God and lead to Him.

II. We are helped by " counsel " in our doubts and anxieties; "for the thoughts of mortal men are fearful, and our counsels uncertain," (Wis. ix. 14); "and the heart fancieth as that of a woman in travail, except it be a vision sent from the Most High.". (Ecclus. xxxiv. 6.) And because it is dangerous to trust to ourselves, by the gift of counsel we are induced to suffer ourselves to be governed by others, especially superiors and directors. " Establish within thyself a heart of good counsel," for "the soul of a holy man discovereth true things more