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Page:Meditations For Every Day In The Year.djvu/312

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His institution of so admirable and beneficial a mystery! From this sacrament, as from a fountain, every kind of good flows. It is the proper sacrifice for our sins, it is the spiritual food of our souls, a lively memorial of Christ's passion and death, and the spring and fountain of all grace and virtue. " His blessing hath overflowed like a river." (Ecclus. xxxix. 27.)

II. The Divine Institutor, who has shown Himself wonderful in all His works, has, in this single action, employed all the resources of His power and wisdom. For in the Eucharist He displays His infinite wisdom in inventing such admirable food; His power is manifested in the transubstantiation of the bread and wine; His goodness in communicating Himself to us, and His liberality in giving Himself entirely to each one who receives Him. His patience, in a particular manner, manifests itself by His, suffering Himself to be handled by the wicked, and insulted by those who receive Him unworthily. "He hath made a remembrance of His marvellous works, being a merciful and a gracious Lord, He hath given food to them that fear Him."

III. In consequence of the greatness of the favors received in the Eucharist, the Church at this time celebrates the memory of this mystery with pomp and ceremony. If the Ark of the Covenant was formerly carried with such great solemnity, how much more honor does the holy Eucharist deserve. Go forth, therefore, to meet your concealed God, your soul adorned with ever)f virtue, praise, honor, and thank Him for His mercies At least " do what you are able, because He is above all praise, and you cannot praise Him sufficiently.