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Son, that whosoever believeth in Him may not perish, but may have life everlasting."

III. "The light is come into the world, and men loved darkness, rather than the light." O, shameful neglect, examine yourself whether in your actions you love darkness, rather than light, " for every one that doeth evil hateth the light." Do you do nothing in private, which you would be ashamed of in public? Beware of this, "for there is nothing hid, that shall not be revealed, nor secret, that shall not be known." (Matt. x. 26.)


Christ Coming to Exact an Account.

"Render an account of thy stewardship." (Luke xvi. 2.)

I. " There was a certain rich man, who had a steward." Imagine yourself to be this steward, whom our Lord has intrusted with several important things, external and internal, supernatural as well as natural. What advantage have you taken of them? As yet but little, it is to be feared, has been done. Examine yourself thoroughly, and you will probably find many things out of order. You have slept out your sleep of tepidity and now you find nothing in your hands; and therefore, you are a disgrace to your Employer, because you have squandered away, not your own goods, for you have nothing, but those, which belong to Him.

II. Our Lord, as your Employer, will wish to-day, to exact from you an account of the goods, with which He has intrusted you. At present His visitation will be conducted with mercy and commiseration; for as holy Job remarks, " He doth not now bring on His fury, neither doth