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say that I am?" He proposes this question to His apostles, because they had long been brought up in His school, and therefore, ought to know much more of their Master than the rest of mankind. " Simon Peter, answered and said, Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God." Not the Son of the living God by adoption as others are. but by nature and essence the true Messias and Saviour of the world. Rejoice at the divinity of your . Saviour and Lord, and excite yourself both to confess ' Him in your thoughts and actions, and to bring others to His knowledge and service; say with the Psalmist, " I will declare Thy name to my brethren." (Ps. xxi. 23.)


Christ Promises the Primacy to Peter.

I. When Peter had made this signal profession of faith, Christ said to him, " Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood have not revealed it to thee, but My Father who is in Heaven." (Matt. xiv. 17.) Jesus pronounces Him blessed, because to know Christ is the foundation of a happy life. Simon signifies the same as obedient, Barjona the son of a dove or of grace (as some commentators explain the passage). Be you therefore obedient, and with dove-like simplicity endeavor to comply with Divine grace. Reject what flesh and blood say to the contrary, and attend to the inspirations of your heavenly Father, and you will be happy.

II. Consider the reward, which Peter received; " Thou art Peter" (which in the language that Christ spoke signified a rock), "and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against