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which it carries is corruption itself, so is the body often adorned and covered with the richest clothes, whilst the soul which it contains is abominable in the sight of God; Christ often comes and touches the bier, that is, afflicts the body with some sickness, and by this means brings the sinner to life again.

II. " And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak, and He delivered him to his mother." What joy must have flowed into this widow's heart! How the company must have been astonished! Thus a sinner who returns to the life of grace and is restored to his spiritual Mother the Church, begins to speak of such things as belong to God, confesses his sins, asks pardon, and glorifies God.

III. "And there came a fear on them all, and they glorified Him." From the astonishing miracle which they had witnessed, there arose in the by-standers a fear of offending a God of such infinite power, a God " that killeth and maketh alive again; He bringeth down to hell, and bringeth back again." (i Kings, ii. 6.) Reflect how necessary it is for you to possess this holy fear. For " the fear of the Lord hateth evil." (Prov. viii. 13.) And " they that fear the Lord will seek after the things that are well pleasing to Him." (Ecclus. ii. 19.)


The Resuscitation of Lazarus.— I.

I. " There was a certain man sick, named Lazarus, in Bethania." (John xi. 1.) The death of Lazarus proceeded from a languishing disease. So also does the death of the soul ensue from tepidity and decay of spirit, if they be not cured in time. " When concupiscence hath