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The Vineyard Let Out to Husbandmen.— I.

I. " There was a certain master of a family, who planted a vineyard and made a hedge round about it." (Matt, xxi. 23, Mark xii.) God has planted a vineyard, which is His universal Church, and has bestowed great care on it. In the first place, He has "made a hedge round about it," by fencing it with excellent laws and precepts, by placing it under the protection of His angels, who defend it against the incursions of the Devil. Secondly, He has " dug in it a wine press," by instituting the sacraments, which derive their efficacy from Christ's precious blood, that continually flows for our sins. Thirdly, He has " built a tower;" that is, His Divine Providence is always employed in defending it from evil, and in providing it with every good thing which is necessary. How happy is it to be placed in such a vineyard under such a guardian!

II. Having thus arranged his vineyard, "the master of a family," " let it out to husbandmen;" that is, to all mankind, in order that each one might labor in it according to his state and calling. After he had done this, "he went into a strange country." God seems to be absent from us, and to leave us to ourselves, in order that we may act from the impulse of free will. Although He can have whatever good act He wishes from His creatures, whenever He wishes, yet He waits with patience. Who would not admire and love so much goodness and mercy!

III. Almighty God, to put these husbandmen in mind