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be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come follow me — they go away sorrowful," like the young man in the gospel (Matt. xix. 21.), and reject the Divine admonition. Examine whether or not you be one of these.

III. The third class consists of those who, with a generosity of mind and steadiness of resolution, attempt to follow Christ, even to the cross," through honor and dishonor, through infamy and good fame." (2. Cor. vi. 8.) With St. Paul, " they count everything as dung that they may gain Christ." (Phil. iii. 8.) Lastly, they endeavor to conform their actions in everything to His. Choose to which of these classes you will belong, and remember that your glory in the next life will be proportionate to the exactness with which you follow Christ in this.


The Divine Decree Concerning the Incarnation. I.

I. What was the state of creation before the coming of Christ? A great part of the angels had fallen, and all mankind were the guilty descendants of guilty parents. The apostate angels were banished from heaven, and sent into hell. All mankind were in a state of banishment, they were slaves to the devil and enemies to God; and falling from one sin into another, they exposed themselves to undergo all those pains which God had reserved for His enemies. There were no possible means of appeasing the justice of God; for no creature could make sufficient atonement for original sin.

II. The three divine persons are employed in consultation to remedy the distresses of mankind. The first person required satisfaction for the offense of original