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for He will not be wanting to you, " who maketh a barren woman to dwell in a house, the joyful mother of children." (Ps. cxii. 9.)


The Virgin's Consent.

I. How earnestly the Angel and the whole court of heaven awaited the consent of the Virgin! "Speak but the word," says St. Bernard, "holy Virgin, which heaven and earth, and the world below, expect from you." She gives her consent, and says, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord." (Luke i. 38.) Admire that singular humility, which prompted her, who is styled the mother of God, to retain the name of a handmaid. This is the humility, which our " Lord regarded" and loved so much in her, as she proclaims in her Canticle. Embrace the same humility in your life and actions, if you wish the Holy Ghost to dwell in you; for "He sendeth forth springs in the vales." (Ps. ciii. 10.) He bestows on the humble, the waters of His grace; but He deprives the proud of their moisture.

II. The quality of handmaid, or servant, though contemptible amongst men, in relation to God is honorable. We stand in that relation to Him, by the several titles of creation, redemption, and preservation. For Him alone we ought to labor, to His glory we ought to direct all our actions, as did His blessed handmaid. Offer yourself, therefore, to God, as His constant servant: and say with royal David, " O Lord, I am Thy servant, and the son of Thy handmaid." (Ps. cxv. 6.) Remember that that handmaid was the blessed Virgin Mary.

III. Consider the admirable obedience and resignation of the blessed Virgin in conforming her will to the