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Love among the Roses.

Young Love flew to the Paphian bow'r,
And gather’d sweets from many a flow'r,
From Roses and sweet Jessamine,
The Lily and the Eglantine:
The Graces there were culling posies,
And Found young Love among the Roses.
Young Love among the Roses,
Love among the Eoses.

Oh happy day! Oh joyour hour!
Compose a wreath of every flow'r;
Let’s bind him to us ne’er to sever,
Young Love shall dwell with us for ever;
Eternal Spring the wreath composes,
Content is Love among the Roses.
Young Love, &c.

The Minute-Gun at Sea.

When in the storm on Albion's coast,
The night-watch guards his wary post,
From thoughts of danger free,
He marks some vessel's dusky form,
And hears, amid the howling storm,
The Minute-gun at sea.