Page:Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. Records of a family of engineers.pdf/137

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from Sardinia to Africa failed three times in the attempt, The distance from land to land is about 140 miles, On the first occasion, alter proceeding some 70 miles, he had to cut the cable—the cause I forget; he tried again, same result; then picked up about 20 miles of the lost cable, spliced on a new piece, and very nearly got across that time, but ran short of cable, and when but a few miles off Galita in very deep water, had to telegraph to London for more cable to be manufactured and sent out whilst he tried to stick to the end: for five days, T think, he lay there sending and receiving messages, but heavy weather coming on the cable parted and Mr. —— went home in despair—at least I should think so.

'He then applied to those eminent engineers, R. S. Newall & Co., who made and laid down a cable for him last autumn—Fleeming Jenkin (at the time in considerable mental agitation) having the honour of fitting out the Elba for that purpose." [On this occasion, the Elba has no cable to lay; but] 'is going out in the beginning of May to endeavour to fish up the cables Mr. —— lost. There are two ends at or