Page:Memoir of the Reverend David Wilson (2).pdf/21

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thren, by which Christians 'know that they have passed from death to life,' 1 John iii 14. Do you love them as such? 'because they belong to Christ?' Mark ix. 41.; on account of his image in them? Does your love lead you to count them 'the excellent of the earth' to have delight in them? Psalm xvi 3 Do you like their society? or, do you rather prefer the intercourse of the wicked' and the worldly? your love in word only, or is it in deed and in truth?

Examine your character by these remarks, that you may be able to answer the question, 'were I to die now, on which hand should I stand in the judgment?'—they who know, believe in, love, and obey the Saviour, we have seen, shall be placed on the right, and obtain the sentence of mercy.—while those who are destitute of the knowledge, faith love, and obedience of Jesus, shall stand on the left, and receive the sentence of wrath. 'These shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal,' Matth. xxv. 46.

I shall detain your attention but a little longer to impress upon your mind this solemn, affecting termination of the transactions of the great day. The opposite states into which these two classes of men shall enter, are fully contrasted in the Sentences pronounced upon them by the Judge, 'Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world,' Ver. 34—'Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared tor the devil and his angels,' ver. 41 Here we see

The presence of Jesus, on the one hand; an absence from him, on the other. 'Come,' says He, to those on the right—'Depart from me'—