Page:Memoir of the Reverend David Wilson (2).pdf/9

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and seemed to lose its strong attachment to the activities of life and on the morning of the last day of his valuable Life, a brother in the ministry having visited him, and engaged in those conversations and exercises suitable to a dying hour, he manifested great serenity of mind, and at last expired in the most gentle and agreeable manner.

From this short memoir, it is abundantly manifest, that the Church has lost a most diligent, zealous, and successful minister; which loss, while it must interest all the lovers of Zion, must press in a particular manner on the affections and feelings of the bereaved widow and congregation. Let all in the ministry be admonished by his death, diligently to discharge the duties of that office. and labour to promote the prosperity of the Church, that they may put off their earthly tabernacle with joy, and be greeted with these exhilarating words, well done, good and faithful servant, enter ye into the joy of your Lord." Let those who are looking forward to the ministry, and who are in some measure prepared to fill up the vacancies that death is now and then making in the Church, emulate the virtues of their departed fathers, and even prepare to excel them in activity and usefulness. And let the congregation cordially acquiescence in their bereavement, and love one another with a brotherly love, in honour preferring one another, and look to Christ, the Head of the Church, that he would give them a pastor according to his own heart, who may feed them with understanding and knowledge.

J. W. M