Page:Memoirs James Hardy Vaux.djvu/12

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Draughted to Castle-hill—Variously employed there—Appointed clerk to the Settlement—Again noticed by the Governor—Summoned to Parramatta, by the Rev. Mr. Marsden—Appointed Magistrate's Clerk, and begin once more to lead an easy life—Preparations for the Governor's departure—Mr. Marsden gives me hopes of accompanying himself and the Governor to England, in His Majesty's Ship Buffalo—My pleasing sensations at the prospect of revisiting my native Land, page 186.


The Buffalo being ready for sea, I receive an intimation from Mr. Marsden, that the late Governor has obtained a remission of my unexpired time, and consents to take me home as his clerk—I wait on his Excellency accordingly, and receive orders to go on board—We set sail, page 194.


Receive a free pardon from the hands of Captain (late Governor) King—Account of our passage home—Suffer a great deal from the want of provisions—Leaky state of the ship—Double Cape Horn—Fall in with an English frigate, bound to the river Plate—Arrive at Rio de Janeiro, page 199.


Account of my adventures at San Sebastian—Form acquaintance with a Portuguese family—Their affection for me—Overtures made to induce my stay in South America—The ship being repaired and victualled, we re-embark and sail for Europe, page 209.