Page:Memoirs James Hardy Vaux.djvu/477

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Q. See Letter Q.

QUEER, bad; counterfeit; false; unwell in health.

QUEER, or QUEER-BIT, base money.

QUEER SCREENS, forged Bank-notes.

QUEER IT, to spoil it, which see.

QUEER-BAIL, Persons of no repute, hired to bail a prisoner in any bailable case; these men are to be had in London for a trifling sum, and are called Broomsticks.

QUID, a guinea.

QUOD, a gaol. To quod a person is to send him to gaol. In quod, is in gaol.

QUOD-COVE, the keeper of a gaol.



RACKET, some particular kinds of fraud and robbery are so termed, when called by their flash titles, and others Rig; as, the Letter-racket, the Order-racket; the Kid-rig; the Cat and Kitten-rig, &c., but all these terms depend upon the fancy of the speaker. In fact, any game may be termed a rig, racket, suit, slum, &c., by prefixing thereto the particular branch of depredation or fraud in question, many examples of which occur in this work.

RAG, money.

RAG-GORGY, a rich or monied man, but generally used in conversation when a particular gentleman, or person high in office, is hinted at; instead of mentioning his name, they say, the Rag-gorgy, knowing themselves