Page:Memoirs James Hardy Vaux.djvu/485

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lodging; as, Where can I get a snooze for this darky instead of saying a bed.

SNUFFING, going into a shop on some pretence, watching an opportunity to throw a handful of snuff in the eyes of the shopkeeper, and then running off with any valuable article you can lay hands on; this is called snuffing him, or giving it to him upon the snuff racket.

SOLD. See Sell.

SOUND, to sound a person, means generally to draw from him, in an artful manner, any particulars you want to be acquainted with; as, to sound a kid, porter, &c., is to pump out of him the purport of his errand, the contents of his bundle, or load, &c., that your pall may know how to accost him, in order to draw the swag. See Draw and Kid-rig. To sound a cly, is to touch a person's pocket gently on the outside, in order to ascertain the nature of its contents.

SPANGLE, a seven-shilling piece.

SPANK, to spank a glaze, is to break a pane of glass in a shop window, and make a sudden snatch at some article of value within your reach, having previously tied the shop-door with a strong cord on the outside, so as to prevent the shopman from getting out, till you have had full time to escape with your booty; to spank a place, is to rob it upon the spank; a spank is a robbery effected by the above means.

SPEAK, committing any robbery, is called making a speak; and if it has been productive, you are said to have made a rum speak.

SPEAK TO, to speak to a person or place is to rob them, and to speak to any article, is to steal it; as, I spoke