Page:Memoirs James Hardy Vaux.djvu/499

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good stake, or by any other means improving your finances.

TWIG, any thing accomplished cleverly, or as it should be, is said to be done in twig, in good twig, or in prime twig. A person well dress’d is said to be in twig. See Drop, Gammon the Twelve, and Out of Twig.

TWISTED, hanged.

TWO POLL ONE. See Bridge.

TYE IT UP, to tye up any particular custom, practice, or habit, is synonymous with knifeing, stowing, turning it up, or stashing it. To tye it up is a phrase, which, used emphatically, is generally understood to mean a course of depredation and wickedness. See Square, and Do the Trick.


UNBETTY, to unlock. See Betty.

UNDUB, to unlock, unfasten, &c. See Dub up.

UNPALLED, a thief whose associates are all apprehended, or taken from him by other means, is said to be unpalled, and he is then obliged to work single-handed.

UNSLOUR, to unlock, unfasten, or unbutton. See Slour. Speaking of a person whose coat is buttoned, so as to obstruct the access to his pockets, the knucks will say to each other, the cove is slour’d up, we must unslour him to get at his kickseys.

UNTHIMBLE, to unthimble a man, is to rob, or otherwise deprive him of his watch.

UNTHIMBLED, having been divested of one’s watch.

UP IN THE STIRRUPS, a man who is in swell street,