Page:Memoirs James Hardy Vaux.djvu/81

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on purpose; stipulating, however, that we should return at a reasonable hour, and that I would make use of a spare cot, in the cabin of die third lieutenant, who was absent on leave. My kind young friend shewed me the objects most worthy of remark; aud we then adjourned to the Marlborough-head inn, where we took some coffee, and about eight o'clock returned to the hulk. My conductor, having reported his return to the first lieutenant, wished me good night, and I took a seat at the ward-room table, where the party was now reduced to the first and second lieutenants, the master, purser, and lieutenant of marines. I now found that grog was to be the order of the night also; but as I had never been accustomed to that beverage, in the way they drank it, I could not help betraying my dislike; on which Mr. Rowley, in a good-humoured way, assured me that I should never make a sailor without I could learn to drink grog. I was therefore constrained to make a glass, which I did pretty stiff, as the sailors term it; and its inspiring qualities soon caused me to banish all reserve. Mr. Rowley conversed with great appearance of regard on my future prospects; gave me a most amiable character of the captain; and instructed me in the outlines of my duty, as well as in the conduct I ought to pursue for my own advantage. He informed me, the Astræa would be undocked in about three weeks, and that I had therefore no time to lose in equipping myself.