principal leaders begin to be dissatis-
fied ; speeches made against the royal
authority, 111; attempts in a body to
remonstrate with the queen, 112, 113 ;
makes difficulties, 126 ; cabals against
the Court, 221 ; king and queen visit
it, 223 ; Omer Talon's fine speech,
224 ; continuation of its struggle with
the queen, 231-234; renewal of that
struggle, 242-275 ; conferences and
contentious with the queen, 281-285,
287-290, 294-298; its conduct dur-
ing the Broussel riots, 313-337; re-
news its persecution, 340 ; alarmed at
the king being taken from Paris, 345 ;
uproar on the arrest of Chavigny and
Chateauneuf, 354 ; fury against Maz-
arin, 355 ; deputation to the queen
and princes, 356-360; letters to par-
liament from the Due d'Orle'ans and
the Prince de Conde, 362-363 ; terms
proposed by parliament, 366 ; answer
of the king, 367.
Petits-maitres, origin of the term, 172.
POLAND (Ladislas III., King of), mar- riage with Princesse Marie de Gon- zague, 134 ; sends splendid embassies for the marriage to France, 134-140 ; brutal behaviour to her on her arrival in Warsaw, 141, 142; death of, 267. AMBOUILLET (Marquise de), remark on the death of the Prince de Conde, 166.
RETZ (Jean-Fran9ois-Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de) coadjutor of Paris, the part played by him in the riots on Broussel's arrest, 317-320; dissatis- fied with his treatment by the Court, 339.
RICHELIEU (Armand-Jean Duplessis, Cardinal de), is brought by Marie de' Medici into public office, 36 ; his love for Anne of Austria and beginning of her hatred to him, 38 ; his prin- ciples and his greatness, 39 ; his tri- umph on the " Day of the Dupes," 48, 50 ; his ingratitude to Marie de' Medici, 51, 52 ; his death, 61 ; his character, 62 ; Pope Urbain VIII.'s remark upon him, 63.
RIVIERE (the Abbe de La), favourite of the Due d'Orle'ans, 182-184.
ROHAN (Mile, de), her marriage to the Comte de Chabot, 130-132.
SAINTE-BEUVE, his Introduction to Mme. de Motteville's Memoirs, 1-19.
SEGUIER (Pierre), Chancellor of France, attacked by the populace during the Broussel riots, 321-324.
SCHOSIBERG (Mare'chal de), takes Tor- tosa, 292, 293.
TALON (Omer), noble speech in par- liament before the king and queen in behalf of the people, 128, 129 ; fine speech in parliament to the queen, 224; quoted, 281, 298.
TELLIER (Michel Le), father of the future Louvois, appointed secretary of War, 104.
TREMES (Comte de), quarrel on his son's behalf about the captaincy of the body-guard, 301-309.
URBAIN VHL, his death, 115.
VINCENT (Saint Vincent de Paul, Pere), the head of Anne of Austria's council of conscience, his character, 102-103.
VOITURE (Vincent), impromptu poem on the queen, 114, 115.
WALES (Charles, Prince of), pays a visit to Fontainebleau, he stutters, 211.
YORK (James, Duke of), escapes from England and reaches France, 245, 246.