standard of the cross is set up in the distant nations of the earth.
Providence now gives me an opportunity to go myself to the Heathen. Shall I refuse the offer; shall I love the glittering toys of this dying world so well, that I cannot relinquish them for God? Forbid it, heaven! Yes, I will go- however weak and unqualified I am, there is an all-sufficient Saviour ready to support me. In God alone is my hope. I will trust his promises, and consider it one of the highest privileges that can be conferred upon me, to be permitted to engage in his service, among the wretched inhabitants of Hindostan.
Aug. 11— How reviving to my disconsolate mind has been the word of life this day! Oh, this adorable plan of salvation! Have I the least inclination to alter one single part of it, if I could? O no! I would not be less holy. I would not wish God to exact less perfect obedience from his creatures.
Aug. 14.— This is indeed a wretched world. How few the joys! How many and various the sorrows of life! Well, if this world is unsatisfying, " if cares and woes promiscuous grow," how great the consolation that I shall soon leave it!
Sept. 17— How sweet is this text, "Be careful for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known unto God." When the difficulties of my future life depress me, how often am I insensibly relieved and comforted by this and similar promises. How precious, how exceedingly valuable is the word of God!
Nov. 10.—The rising sun witnesses for my heavenly Father, that he is good. Oh yes! his character is infinitely lovely- his attributes are perfect. I behold his goodness in the works of creation and providence. But the beauty of his character shines most conspicuously in the plan of salvation. In the