Memoirs of Mrs Newell.
The subject of these Memoirs, was a daughter of Mr. Moses Atwood, merchant of Haverhill, Massachusetts, North America, was born October 10, 1793. She was naturally cheerful and unreserved; possessed a lively imagination and great sensibility, and early discovered a retentive memory and a taste for reading. She manifested no peculiar and lasting seriousness before the year 1806. In the summer of that year, she first became the subject of those deep religious impressions which laid the foundation of her Christian life. With several of her companions in study, she was roused to attend to the one thing needful. They turned off their eyes from beholding vanity, and employed their leisure in searching the Scriptures, and listening to the instructions of those who were able to direct them in the way of life. A few extracts from letters which