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what they shall do to be saved. Oh, how rich is the mercy of Jesus! He dispenses his favours to whom he pleases without regard to age or sex. Surely it is a wonderful display of the sovereignty of God, to make me a subject of his kingdom, while many of my companions, far more amiable than I am, are lost to grovel in the dust, or to mourn their wretched condition, without one gleam of hope.

Oct. 10.— Oh, how much have I enjoyed of God this day! Such views of his holy character, such a desire to glorify his name, I never before experienced. Oh, that this frame might continue through life! This is my birth-day. Thirteen years of my short life have gone for ever.

Oct.25.— Permitted by my heavenly Father once more to hear the gospel's joyful sound. I have enjoyed greater happiness than tongue can describe. I have indeed been joyful in the house of prayer. Lord let me dwell in thy presence for ever!

Nov. 4.— Examination at the academy. The young ladies to be separated, perhaps for life. Oh how affecting the scene! I have bid my companions farewell. Though they are endeared to me by the strongest ties of affection, yet I must be separated from them, perhaps never to meet them more till the resurrection. The season has been remarkable for religious impressions. But the harvest is past, the summer is ended, and there are numbers who can say, we are not saved.

Dec. 3.— I have had great discoveries of the wickedness of my heart these three days past. But this evening God has graciously revealed himself to me in the beauty and glory of his character. The Saviour provided for fallen man is just such a one as I need. He is altogether lovely.

Dec. 7.— With joy we welcome the morning of another Sabbath. Oh, let this holy day be consecrated