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Page:Memoirs of a Trait in the Character of George III.djvu/171

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NO. 1.

under the authority of the Board of Longitude) that I had contrived a trial which I knew the Watch

    He calls it prudence in John Harrison, to have, as be believes, contrived a machine which he knew would keep time within the nearest limits of the Act in a first, or second voyage, but not in a third or fourth; and falling into the everlasting error of selfish men, he measures the Claimant by bis own scale, although nothing could be more abhorrent to him than the villainous scheme (for so he calls it) which he was so strangely charged with. Particulars have been given under their dates in the Work, shewing that our Mechanician had something chivalrous and romantic in his cast of mind; he would of course require his honesty of purpose to be as much above suspicion as Caesar did his wife. This Dr. Maskelyne might not know, but several of the Mathematicians who authorized the publication of so cruel an insult to this worthy man had had ample opportunities of becoming acquainted with the cast of his character and in them (as we believe George 3rd would have said) it was unpardonable to sanction such treatment. Before Dr. Maskelvne favoured the world with his own scale of rectitude for candidates for national premiums, and that of the Lunar party inclusively, it would have become him to have made some enquiry on the subject; which, had he been willing to learn, would have shown him the calumny he was fabricating. For the Invention was in such a state twenty years before the fourth Timekeeper was shipped for Jamaica, as to have fully enabled the candidate to compass we will say, if not the largest reward, nor even the next in degree, being ₤15,000, yet, baiting unforeseen casualties, to have insured himself the minor one of £10,000; which being gained, would enable him to prosecute his experiments under less constraint and difficulties; till by subsequent improvements, having come within the nearest limits allowed by law, he could carry off the other £10,000.—When it is considered that in the course