Woman of Pleasure.
her, no doubt, the strongest recommendation, and marks of my being fit for her purpose. After a little time, in which my air, person and whole figure had undergone a strict examination, which I had, on my part, tried to render favourable to me, by primming, drawing up my neck, and setting my best looks, she advanc'd and spoke to me with the greatest demureness:
Qu. Sweet-heart, do you want a place?
Ans. Yes, and please you, (with a curtsy down to the ground).
Upon this, she acquainted me, that she was actually come to the office herself to look out for a servant
that she believed I might do, with a little of her instructions, that she could take my very looks for a sufficient character, that London was a very wicked, vile place, that she hop'd I would be tractable, and keep out of bad company, in short, she said all to me that an old experienced practitioner in town could think of, and which was muchmore