fingers, she would officiously take me in a coach to my inn, where calling herself for my box, it was, I being present, delivered without the least scruple, or explanation as to where I was going.
This being over, she bid the coachman drive to a shop in St. Paul's Churchyard, where she bought a pair of gloves, which she gave me, and thence renewed her directions to the coachman, to drive to her house in street, who accordingly landed us at her door, after I had been chear'd up, and entertain'd by the way with the most plausible flams, without one syllable from which I could conclude anything but that I was by the greatest good luck fallen into the hands of the kindest mistress, not to say friend, that the varsal world could afford; and accordingly I enter'd her doors with most complete confidence and exultation, promising myself, that, as soon as I should be a little settled, I would acquaint Esther Davis with my rare good fortune.