he proceeded with all that modesty, which became these first solemner instants of our re-meeting, after so long an absence, I could not contain certain snatches of my eyes, lur'd by the dazzling discoveries of his naked skin, that escap'd him as he chang'd his linnen, and which I could not observe the unfaded life, and complexion of, without emotions of tenderness and joy, that had himself too purely for their object, to partake of a loose, or mis-tim'd desire.
He was soon drest in these tempory cloaths, which neither fitted him, nor became the light my passion plac'd him in, to me at least: yet as they were on him, they look'd extremely well, in virtue of that magic charm which love put into every thing that he touch'd, or had relation to him; and where indeed was that dress that a figure like his would not give grace to? For now as I ey'd him more in detail, I could not but observe the even favourable alteration which the