Page:Memoirs of the Lives.djvu/38

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contrived to conceal it within the cover of a large folio volume, the leaves of which were removed. He then put on a military coat, and belted a small sword by his side; over the whole of this dress he threw his great coat, which was made in the most simple manner, and secured it upon himself with a single button. Thus equipped, he entered the meeting house and placed himself in a conspicuous situation, from which he addressed the audience in substance as follows:[1]

"Oh all you negro masters who are contentedly holding your fellow creatures in a state of slavery during life, well knowing the cruel sufferings those innocent captives undergo in their state of bondage, both in these North American colonies, and in the West India islands; you must know they

  1. The particulars of this singular transaction, and the speech, were related to Dr. John Watson, deceased, formerly of Bucks County, by his friend and neighbour, the late Jonathan Ingham, Esquire, who was a witness of the scene.