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Page:Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (Samuel Madden, 1733).djvu/101

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Twentieth Century, &c.

vastly improv'd every way, have made great advances in all polite Arts, as well as the learned Sciences, and are grown considerable in the World, by their Arms, Conquests and Riches; I doubt not but we shall find our Account, in keeping up a constant Intercourse of Friendship and Amity with them. The great Caravan for China went off Yesterday, with near twenty British Merchants in their Company, all provided with sufficient Pass-ports, and allowed the same Privileges with the Czar's Subjects; and I hope in time, to see this Branch of our Commerce turn to greater Account, than it has been represented to the Commissioners for Trade in London.

Your Lordship, who is so well acquainted with the vast Encroachments, this powerful Empire has made, on all her Neighbours round her, both on the side of Turky, Poland, Sweden and Persia, and how dangerous an Enemy, and useful a Friend she may prove, to the Affairs of Germany; can never want Inclination to tie the Czar to our Interests, by all ways and methods that in good Policy we can make use of.

All the crown'd Heads in Europe, except Sweden who is at War with them, haveEnvoys