Novogorod, is spread to several Parts of Muscovy, and is likely to grow in Fashion at Court.
It took it's rise from the Knez Peter Kikin, who living near Novogorod, about the Year 1971, hir'd a Couple of Laplanders that were Brothers, for Servants. As their Master was fond of Gardening, and had got a Gardener from Moscow, he put one of these Laplanders to work there under him; and the Gardener often complaining of the Climate, the Fellow told him if his Master would give him Money to bear his Charges, he would bring him a Laplander that with his Assistance, would make Sunshine for him. This he averr'd so frequently and so positively, that at last it was told his Master; who after examining the Fellow, and knowing it was usual with the Laplanders to sell Winds, resolved to make a Trial of this Method, tho' new to him. In a Word, he sent and had the Person hir'd and brought from Lapland, who perform'd all that his Countryman and Assistant undertook for him, and even exceeeded his Masters fondest Imaginations. Tho' Novogorod lies in the Latitude of 56 Degrees, yet by the perpetual Sunshine theseCreatures