Counsels and perpetual Labours for the general good of his Kingdoms, and may they both concur to make us the happiest of Nations, and the best of Subjects under a race of Princes, against whom the little Clamours and Arts of Faction at Home, will be as impotent and contemptible, as the inveterate Malice of Rome, and the Enemies of our Peace Abroad.
In those Halcyon Days may God so bless your Reign as to give you no other object of your Cares, but to preserve to us those Blessings of Unity and Concord (the Seeds whereof are now so happily sown and growing up in our Land) and to encourage the Improvement of the rising Arts, and patronize the learned Sciences, till they gain new Life among us, and grow in proportion cultivated as our Manufactures, and extended as our Trade. In a word, may the Happiness of your People be then so universal and compleat, that your charitable and generous Spirit may search with equal Difficulty for distressed Families to relieve, as for Enemies to convert or pardon; and to sum up all, may you then so second the present pious Cares of your Royal Parents in combating the Vice and abandon'd Wickedness of a degenerate Age, that your Piety may shield us from the Vengeance of Heaven, if ever our Virtueand