with their proper Vouchers and Certificates of Verification, and his Holiness's Bull for their being true authentick Originals, may be viewed and examined, (but not handled) at the Church of St. Peter's aforesaid, by all Ambassadors, Prelates, and Persons of Quality, and proper Credit, Condition, and Character, till the Day of Sale.
The Ark of the Covenant, the Cross of the good Thief; both somewhat Worm-eaten. Judas's Lanthorn, a little scorch'd. The Dice the Soldiers play'd with, when they cast Lots on our Saviour's Garment; from Umbriatico in Calabria. The Tail of Balaam's Ass, that spoke when she saw the Angel. St. Joseph's Ax, Saw, and Hammer; and a few Nails he had not driven, a little rust eaten. St. Christopher's Stone-Boat, and St. Anthony's Mill-Stone, on which he sail'd to Muscovy. The Loaves of Bread turn'd into Stone by St. Boniface, on a Soldier's denying him a Piece of them when he was starving, for which he suffer'd Martyrdom, as a Sorcerer. Our B. Saviour's Teeth, Hair, and Præputium (Emptum Charovii) another Præputium (Emptum Aquisgrani) brought thither by an Angel from Jerusalem. N. B. In all such Casesof