Be it as it will, I can only uſe my beſt Endeavours to convince the World, what a Treaſure I have here offer'd them, and if they will not regard my fervent deſire to ſerve them, but deſpiſe the labour I've been at, in bringing theſe firſt Fruits of a much greater Harveſt to the publick uſe, I muſt acquieſce, and be content with the Honour and Misfortune, of being the firſt among Hiſtorians (if a mere Publiſher of Memoirs may deſerve that Name) who leaving the beaten Tracts of writing with Malice or Flattery, the accounts of paſt Actions and Times, have dar'd to enter by the help of an infallible Guide, into the dark Caverns of Futurity, and diſcover the Secrets of Ages yet to come.
I am ſenſible that all extraordinary Diſcoveries in their firſt Propoſal, are lightly regarded and hardly credited, and I am prepared for it; yet, if Men will but be prevail'd upon to conſider, of what uncommon uſe theſe may be, I hope I ſhall be able to ſay enough in their behalf, to procure them at leaſt a candid Reception, if not the moſt generous Welcome.