will probably, for political Views and worldly Motives, never fail to combine together in supporting her Authority, tho' in their Hearts they may despise or renounce it; and consequently they will in all Likelyhood, by enlarging her Power, and joining in the Schemes of her infinite Policy, perpetuate their own unreasonable Slavery, and her rediculous Empire, to the End of the World, and this wretched Scene of Wickedness and Folly and Falsehood below! I am,
My Lord, your Lordship's, &c.
I beg the Favour of your Lordship to transmit to me a regular List of the Temporal Peers summon'd to this Parliament, his Holiness having desir'd to see it.
To the Lord High Treasurer.
My Lord, London, Chelsea, Dec. 19, 1997.
I Had the Pleasure of your Dispatches, of Nov. 3d, some Days since, and am thus early in returning my Thanks, where I holdmy