every seven Years, present his Majesty with an History of the several Trades in their respective Provinces, and the Improvements made in them by their Care and Inspection. I cannot detain your Excellency too long, or I could reckon up many prodigious Advantages the Publick has gain'd, by light'ning the Labour, short'ning the Road, removing old Mistakes, and supplying new Methods and Inventions, to the several Trades and Manufactures of these Nations.
Thus I have gone thro' the new Professors our Royal Master, following the Steps of his glorious Ancestors, has so generously and so happily establisht. The Queen indeed, who is the best of Princesses, and a second Caroline or Elizabeth, would have had his Majesty found a Professorship of Piety, since there was ne'er a one in either University; but he told her pleasantly, There were so many Professors of that Kind already in the World, and so few who put what they profest in Practice, that he would not hear of it, till that matter should be amended. But to shew your Excellency how much the learned World is indebted to his Majesty's Cares, I must describe to you the Royal Printing-house which he has erected andendow'd