best Wishes for their Success, and my earnest Entreaties for your Diligence and Vigilance, that nothing may disappoint the Hopes your Excellence has given us, and the kind Expectations I have ever had, of the skillful management of all Matters, that are, to pass through your Hands. When you receive the Carolina Silks, and White-wine, pray let me know sincerely how you approve of them, for they are much admired here.
All your Relations in this Family kiss your Hands, and your good Lady's, and long for your return once more to them and your Country, where there is no Man more desirous, not only to see but to serve you, than,
My Lord, Your Excellencies most, &c.
To the Lord High Treasurer.
My Lord,
Mosco, Jan. 27, 1997.
I Have the Pleasure of your Commands by Mr. Secretary of January the 3d, and am highly delighted that I have in some measure answer'd your Expectations by mine of the 29th of November last; and as I shall faithfully pursue my Instructions, and particularly the Hints in Cypher, so if any thing new arises, Ishall