rule's Opinion, (who thought we ſhould imitate our Saviour, who is never ſaid to have writ but once before, and once after his anſwer to the Jews, who brought the Adultereſs before him) is full enough for any good Chriſtian; tho' I were more ſecure of receiving all poſſible Favour and Honour for my Toils than I am, yet I doubt whether I ſhall ever venture on a third Sally, in any other Performance, tho' my Modeſty and Indolence ſhould occaſion ever ſo much Grief to Poſterity.
As to this particular Work, I muſt indeed be greatly diſcourag'd by the World, if I ſuppreſs the Sequel of it, which I propoſe by proper intervals to communicate to them, tho' I will not anſwer, how far their receiving this Book I now offer them, with Contempt and Diſregard, may make me uſe the ſame Haughtineſs the ſacred Sibyl did to Tarquinius Superbus, and after burning all the remaining parts which I deſign'd for them, make them pay as high a price for this Volume, as on a contrary demeanour I deſign'd to allow them the whole for.
But as I flatter my ſelf, ſuch Fears are very groundleſs, I ſhall ſay the leſs on that Subject. I ſhall rather hope, as theſe Papersare