or Friar) who pretend to Revelations of any kind, ſhould give a ſatisfactory Account, 1ſt, From whence it is. 2dly, What it is. 3dly, Why it is. 4thly, To whom it is. 5thly, How it is, and 6thly, Whence, or from what place it is reveal'd.
To this end therefore, and that the Reader, my dear and kind and learned Reader, may the better underſtand the Nature and Value of the Preſent which I make him; I ſhall obſerve the following Method: Firſt, I ſhall give ſome Account, both of my ſelf and my good Genius, from whom I receiv'd it. 2dly, I ſhall mention the Reaſons of my publiſhing it, and alſo my Care and Conduct about it. 3dly, I ſhall anſwer all kind of Objections, that are or can be made, againſt this wonderful Treaſure I am putting into their Hands, and laſtly, I ſhall give my Friends, (my great, wife and numerous Friends) the learned World, (the good, judicious and learned World) and Poſterity, (our noble and excellent Poſterity worthy of their admirable Anceſtors) ſome Cautions about it, and ſo leave it to its Fate.
As to the firſt point then, I muſt own that I am deſcended in a direct Line by the Mother's ſide, from a Son of that famousCount