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Twentieth Century.

Being Original Letters of STATE,
under GEORGE the Sixth:

Relating to the most Important Events in Great-Britain and Europe, as to Church and State, Arts and Sciences, Trade, Taxes, and Treaties, Peace, and War:

And Characters of the Greatest Persons of those Times;

From the Middle of the Eighteenth, to the End of the Twentieth Century, and the WORLD.

Received and Revealed in the Year 1728;

And now Published, for the Instruction of all Eminent Statesmen, Churchmen, Patriots, Politicians, Projectors, Papists, and Protestants.


Vol. I.

Mάντις ἄριστος ὅστις εἰκάζει καλὼς. Eurip.

Bon Dieu! que n'avons nous point veu reüssir des conjectures de ce temps là comme si c'eussent esté autant de Propheties?

La Mothe Le Vayer Discourse de l'Histoire. Tom. I. p. 267.

Hoc apud nos quoque nuper ratio ad certum produxit. Veniet tempus, quo ista quæ nunc latent, in lucem dies extrahat, & longioris ævi diligentia. Ad inquisitionem tantorum ætas una non sufficit, ut tota cœlo vacet. Itaque per successiones ista longas explicabuntur. Veniet tempus, quo posteri nostri tam aperta nos nescisse mirentur, non licet stare cœlestibus, nec averti: Prodeunt omnia; ut semel missa sunt, vadunt. Idem erit illis cursus, qui sui finis. Opus hoc æternum irrevocabiles habet motus.

Senecæ Nat. Quæst. lib. 7. cap. 25.


Printed for Messieurs Osborn and Longman, Davis, and Batley, in Pater-noster-Row; Strahan, and Clarke, in Cornhill; Rivington, Robinson, Astley, and Austen, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Gosling, in Fleetstreet; Nourse, by Temple-Bar; Prevost, and Millar, in the Strand; Parker, in Pall-Mall; Jolliffe, by St. James's; Brindley, Shropshire, and Smith, in Boudstreet; and Gouge, and Stagg, in Westminster-Hall. 1733.